
Santo Maris Oia


Idyllic Privacy of Santo Maris Oia Luxury Suites & Spa’s Luxury Villas

The Luxury Sunset Villas at Santo Maris Oia Luxury Suites & Spa are the ultimate expression of the glowing minimalist indulgence designed to captivate our guests. Perched to look over the sparkling blues of the Aegean Sea, offer guests moments of tranquility and serenity by admiring the colors of the sky. When you think about your stay on timeless Santorini years from now, you will remember the unassuming décor, bright spaces, and mesmerizing vistas offered by these dreamy villas.

Santorini is an unforgettable memory no matter what, but Oia’s magnificent sunset, observed from the privacy of your own personal pool helps create an epic story. These chic villas offer style perfection, luxurious privileges like your own private veranda with heated Jacuzzi, dinner al fresco or even your own in-room spa therapist at your beacon call.

Each Luxury Sunset Villas has two spacious bedrooms with king-size beds, individual showers adjoining separate bathrooms, kitchenette, beautiful living areas, personal sauna, and a veranda with sun loungers for blissful sunbathing and relaxation at the resort. Accommodating up to four guests, they flaunt all the luxury amenities you’d expect from free Wi-Fi, luxe toiletries, plush bathrobes and slippers for a plus of comfort, and even separate sitting room with modern entertainment, like ultra large flat-screen HDTVs with international channels. There’s also a room for a butler, all complete with a functional kitchen. Everything about these villas is conceived to make you feel like a VIP – from the bottle of wine and sweets we prepare in your room to welcome you at Santo Maris Oia Luxury Suites & Spa, to the smallest memorable details that will make your stay a unique experience.

From your arrival on Santorini, the unexpected of this majestic island surrounds you like you thought it will when you saw those images of epic sunsets of Oia. The glorious Greek architecture that’s graced magazine covers for decades, ancient Akrotiri, the cliffs, those unmistakable churches, and black sand beaches will still catch you unaware. There are only two things that can make your experience more memorable. The significant other you share it with, and the warm hospitality experience in the scenic Luxury Sunset Villas of Santo Maris.

The Luxury Sunset Villas were designed with epic personal stories in mind.

Traditions and Customs of Santorini

Tradition has it that mothers on Thira would lull their little ones to sleep each night with sweet verses from eons of time past. Today, the tradition lives on when Santorini ladies put their kids to bed for the night.

“Sleep star, sleep dawn, sleep new moon
your cradle was brought by a pearl
To set to sleep sugar, to awake honey
to give you water that angels drink”

Such is the way for every town or region in Greece. Local traditions are uniform in their richness and unique according to the history and nature of each individual place. From the foundations of towns and villages to wedding rituals and religious holidays, Santorini maintains the fabric of its cultural heritage. Here are some of the most interesting and time-honored ones.

The Name Day

Since anybody can remember, a child’s birthday has only been celebrated once. When a child reached one-year of age, relatives were (and still are) invited to celebrate his or her birth. On this day, according to tradition, parents put the child in front of a big sifter in which a variety of objects were placed. For boys, the objects might be a trowel, a carpenter’s tool, a paper boat, and so forth. For girls, the objects might include more feminine objects. In the ritual, if the boy selected the paper boat from the objects, then the superstition had it he would become a sailor, and so on. In this way, it is believed, the profession of a child could be predicted. Such traditions are considered meaningful in order to set young people on the right past very early on. After this “birthday” ritual, children and adults only celebrate their “name day,” or the day associated with the saint the person is named after.

Santorini Weddings

Weddings in Santorini take place on Sundays. By tradition, girls of the village gather in front of the bride’s house on the Thursday before, in order to break almonds and to make sugar plums. Then, on Friday, they make the bride’s bed and throw rice on it so that the wedding is solid, like the rice, and sweet, like the sugar plums.
Another part of the Santorini wedding tradition involves the father of the groom climbing on a roof at noon on the day of the wedding to shout the beginning of the ceremony to the village and the world. After this, violinists accompany the bride door to door to invite people to her ceremony saying “come to the wedding.” The total ceremony is complex and replete with many ancient traditions. At the end of the ceremony, the newlyweds put the wedding garlands they wore on their heads into a box near the religious icons they prayed before. By ancient tradition, the garlands are kept until the last survivor of the pair finally dies, and the garlands are placed in this person’s grave.

This New House

When workers first dig the trenches for the foundation of a new house on Santorini, a priest is called to slaughter a rooster on the street. After this, the parents of the owner give a blessing to the house at every corner of the structure by throwing coins into the foundation. This tradition is carried out even today, including installing a cross at every corner of the foundation. To this day, the lady of the house prepares a plate of sesame honey and raki to treat the workers and the guests.

Traditional Wear of Thira

According to ancient custom, Thirean women wear scarfs inside and outside of their homes. By the custom, the scarves are worn in a particular fashion, tightly bound and slightly upwards to reveal the forehead. Also, by custom, the married woman may welcome her visitors not wearing a scarf if her hair was done “just so” either washed or unwashed and set into a design of thick braids, and so forth. Until only recently, women of Santorini wore a hairstyle that was relative to their age and social class.
This same tradition carried through to the Thirean woman’s dress, and especially the ornate festive ones worn in past decades. Many square meters of fabric were used in the making of petticoats in previous times, and fancy corsets and bodices were also the style and tradition before the mid-20th-century.
These time-honored traditions keep the spirit of the island intact. Like all Greeks, the residents of Santorini have great respect for their ancestors and the values passed down from generation to generation.

Ifestia Festival 2018 Brings Fireworks and Magic on Santorini

Coming up every third Saturday in September the unique Ifestia Festival celebrates the gigantic volcanic eruption that altered the fates of the entire world in the second millennium BCE. Ifestia Festival 2018 will be a day-long celebration of life and light culminating in a reenactment of the eruption of Minoan Thera in 1600 BC.

What began as fireworks show back in 1991 has grown into one of Santorini’s most popular and spectacular events. This year, as in the past, Ifestia will hold the audience spellbound with a  magical Thera reminiscent spectacle, accompanied by great music and parties.

The fireworks extravaganza turns night into day as explosions reach 90 miles into the night sky over the caldera of Santorini. Organizers expect 2018 to be a repeat of last year when thousands of visitors from around the world planned visits to coincide with the show.

For those who have never witnessed it, Ifestia is not just an ordinary fireworks display, but a light and sound effects extravaganza that is a recreation of the lava flows and explosion that accompanied one of the most significant volcanic events in recorded history.

Amazingly, the locals of Santorini now embrace the power of this legendary volcano rather than fearing its might. This year’s festival will include folkloric events, dances, speeches, and exhibitions that shed light to the island’s distant past, culminating with the Thera explosion reenactment.

Many of the island visitors choose to see the Ifestia Festival from the water, booking boat tours. If that’s your case and you stay at  Santo Maris Oia Luxury Suites & Spa during the event, we encourage you to get in touch with our Guest Experience Specialists to help you book a tour or assist you in finding the best spot to see the spectacle on land.

Social Responsibility in Action by Santo Pure and Agoni Grammi Gonimi

Innovative environmental program with the participation of the High Schools of Santorini

Santo Pure Oia Suites & Villas in cooperation with the Greek Non-Profit Organization “Agoni Grammi Gonimi” and in the context of its Social Responsibility program, inaugurates the environmental awareness program “We Are The Environment” with the creation of the eco-friendly “WaterBags”. This innovative program, which is based on the pillars of education and social provision, and consists of two phases, aims to raise awareness regarding the conversation of the natural environment and to bring together the private sector for a common cause.

In the first phase of the program, the students of the three High Schools of Santorini were informed about important environmental issues, with emphasis on the pollution resulting from the excessive use of plastic. The interactive educational workshops took place under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs and with the participation of the environmental organizations “Archipelagos – Institute of Marine Conversation”, “Hellenic Oceanographers Association”, “Aegean Rebreath”, “iSea” and “Greenest”.

The completion of the workshops was followed by the production of the “WaterBags”, the cloth eco-bags, which were inspired by the need to prevent our seas’ plastic pollution, and they will be distributed till the beginning of October at specific selling points and supporters of the program. The WaterBags’ sales revenue will fund the three schools that participated in the educational workshops.

The distributing points and supporters who embraced the program are: the Ammos Stores, the Brusco Restaurant, the Domaine Sigalas, the Estate Argyros, the Mediterranean Dive Club, the Oia Vineyart restaurant, the Poniros Jewellery, the Santorini Arts Factory and the Tomato Industrial Museum “D. Nomikos”, the Santorini Nautical Club, the Santo Wines – Union of Santorini Cooperatives, and the hotels of the Metaxas Group of Companies – Santo Pure in Santorini, Candia Maris and Creta Maris in Crete. The program is also supported by selling points across Greece, such as the Benaki Museum, the Gallerie Marneri in Athens, and the Idea Café and Emporium in Skopelos. Official transport supporter is the Blue Star Ferries.

If you wish to learn more information and support the “We Are The Environment” program and the “WaterBags”, you can visit the website, follow the WaterBags on Instagram @Water_Bags or just send us an email to

Santo Maris Oia Luxury Suites & Spa Supports Santorini Experience 2018

Beginning October 5th, 2018, Santo Maris Oia Luxury Suites & Spa will be among the sponsors of the three-day Santorini Experience, a significant sports tourism event coming to our magnificent island for the fourth consecutive year. The event organizers and sponsors aim to build on past successes and to promote world-class sports tourism on one of the world’s great island destinations.

Co-organized by the Municipality of Santorini, Municipal Sports Cultural Environmental Organization of Santorini (DAPPOS), and Active Media Group, this year’s event is also supported by the Greek National Tourism Organization.

The Santorini Experience 2018 will include a variety of running, swimming, and other activities including 5, 10, and 15-kilometer races, concerts, and open water swimming to name a few. This unique event puts avid sports enthusiasts right alongside world-class athletes competing in one of the most unbelievable settings imaginable. Spectators and competitors get to experience one of the most beautiful places on Earth while taking part in an incredible sports spectacle.

This year, the Santorini Experience has joined the World’s Marathons world running community, a marketing group that promotes and takes part in more than four thousand races worldwide. Running routes have been tailormade by former marathon runner and Greek classic route record holder Nikos Polias, who is also a running coach and director of All About Running.

Swimmers will confront a 1.5-mile test designed by the Federal Technical coach of Swimming, with Olympic and World medals in open water swimming Nikos Gemelos. Some of the big-name swimmers who’ve taken part in previous Santorini Experience events include Hungarian swimmer Attila Manyoki; Olympic and World Champion in open water swimming, Spyros Gianniotis; and World Champion in open water swimming, Kelly Araouzou.

If you want to see the Santorini Experience 2018 races as a spectator or participate yourself, book your stay at Santo Maris Oia Luxury Suites & Spa in time, for early-bird discounts and other perks that are only available when you book directly with us.

A Tour of the Volcano in Santorini

The active (but dormant) Nea Kameni volcano of the Santorini caldera is one of the most fascinating attractions in the world. There’s something exciting about touring a potentially hazardous place, although the site is safe, according to volcanologists and geologists from the Institute for the Study and Monitoring of the Santorini Volcano (ISMOSAV) who monitor the island.

Now, touring the volcano is safe and it is a favorite pastime for many island visitors. Nea Kameni itself is small and uninhabited. Vegetation is scarce if you don’t consider the red grassy succulents that give its rolling slopes a unique, surreal aspect reminiscent of Mars.

Nea Kameni in the spring.
Nea Kameni in the spring.

The Nea Kameni National Geological Park is a popular attraction. Boat trips to the island leave Santorini every day, carrying curious tourists to the small harbor of the island, where they will begin the ascent to the top of the volcano to hike around the crater. For those who want to admire the Caldera view and the volcano without taking part in the hiking experience, there is an alternative. Sailing cruises on the Caldera are organized every day and people have the opportunity to see the impressive view and sail near the volcano.

The main points of interest at Nea Kameni are:

  • Point A – the “Mikri Kameni” (in English “small burnt island”) dome, which was formed in 1570-1573 due to Surtseyan activity, ash-fall, and block fall-out;
  • Point B – the South Rim of the Daphne crater;
  • Point C – the twin craters, which are active and have fumaroles – so watch your step;
  • Point D – the Georgios dome peak, which formed in 1866;
  • Point E – and the Liatsika Lava, from the last eruption in 1950.

The visit to the Nea Kameni National Geological Park is not free of charge. The symbolic entrance fee charged (2 €) is intended for the upkeep of the area. Because this is a protected natural reserve, visitors are not allowed to take away any “souvenirs.” The warning reads in scarlet letters: “DO NOT MOVE BREAK OFF OR REMOVE ROCKS.” You will notice many cairns along your path, but these man-made stacks are intended to mark the route and to serve as landmarks to guide travelers.

The hike is demanding but the views from the top are rewarding enough to make the effort worth it.  Wear proper hiking shoes and bring a bottle of water with you for making the experience more comfortable: the sun and heat are strong in this part of the world. Plus, Nea Kameni has a typical sulfur odor emanated by the active fumaroles.

The INGV-type station temporarily installed on the summit crater tests the levels of CO2 coming from the soil every ten minutes, reporting whether the air is safe to breathe or not.  Scientific reports found that Nea Kameni is generally safe.